
Marketing Site

Overview & Project Requirements

Reworking the Marketing site to allow users to understand what the company's value proposal is and understanding this offering at a glance. This required really reworking the copy as well as the layout.

  • Rework the existing website.

  • Interview users & reframe the main user issues.

  • Sitemap & Audit

  • User journeys

  • UX copy writing

Access the live site here:

Design - 'the thinky bits'

In the research phase, 2 main problems became apparent;

  • Problem One: value proposition is misunderstood by customers, not enough traffic & understanding of how the products work.

  • How to solve: Raise more awareness, engagement, trustability & lead generation through the marketing site. This was achieved by adding testimonials, reframing our customers & use cases of the products. As well as more information about the team.

  • Problem 2: Rods&Cones users were finding it hard to understand where to navigate to for specific tasks, these can be dependant on their user roles e.g. Admin or Remote Expert.

  • How to solve: Users need a point of reference where all links are available as well as describing what they are used for. To do this I created a 'My R&C' page as part of the marketing site; a 'one top shop' directory for users.

Next Version

To access 'my R&C' login will be required, the landing page will then only show spaces that are relevant to the user's profile. As the site is built through Wordpress, user will be redirected to the Remote Expert page to login.