Rods&Cones Marketing Site


Web & Mobile Design




2 months

My Approach

Project Overview:
The goal of this project was to enhance the Rods & Cones marketing site to improve customer understanding of the product offerings, raise awareness, and generate leads. The site needed to clearly communicate the value proposition while making navigation more intuitive based on user roles, such as Admins and Remote Experts.

During the research phase, two main problems were identified: a lack of clarity around the value proposition, and difficulty in navigating the site depending on user roles.

Vision and Innovation

Problem One:
Customers often misunderstood Rods & Cones' value proposition, leading to a lack of traffic and confusion about how the products work. Despite the innovative technology, potential customers were not engaging with the site in ways that translated into conversions or lead generation.

How We Solved It:
To address this issue, we focused on increasing engagement, trust, and lead generation. We reframed customer stories and use cases of the products to make the value proposition clearer. Testimonials were added to build credibility and demonstrate how the products work in real-world settings. Additional information about the team was also included to personalise the brand and establish trust.

Identifying Unique Challenges

Problem Two:
Users struggled with navigation, particularly when trying to find information related to their specific roles (e.g., Admins, Remote Experts). This role-based complexity made it hard for users to locate the right resources or complete tasks efficiently.

How We Solved It:
To solve this problem, I designed a 'My R&C' page, which acted as a central directory on the marketing site. This “one-stop shop” provided all the necessary links and a description of their purpose, tailored to each user role. This allowed users to quickly understand where to go based on their specific needs, making the navigation process much smoother.

Resolving Complex Problems

Key Contributions & Solutions:

  • Value Proposition Clarification: I introduced customer testimonials and reframed use cases to highlight real-world applications of Rods & Cones products. This helped demonstrate their tangible benefits and make the value proposition more relatable and clear to potential customers.

  • 'My R&C' Page Design: The new 'My R&C' page became the central hub for users, organizing key tasks and information by user role. This helped simplify navigation and made it easier for users to find the tools and resources they needed.

  • Improving Trustability: By featuring more information about the team and adding testimonials, we created a stronger sense of trust and transparency, improving user engagement.

User-Centric Design

Wireframing & Prototypes:
I designed wireframes for the 'My R&C' page to visualize how different user roles could access the information they needed. The page was structured to clearly distinguish between Admin tasks, Remote Expert tasks, and other user roles, each with its own set of relevant links and descriptions.

Testimonial Integration:
Customer testimonials were added throughout the site, placed strategically to support key messaging and showcase the real-world impact of the products. The design emphasized clean, minimal layouts that kept the focus on the users’ experiences.


Key Learnings:
This project highlighted the importance of clarity in communication, especially when a product’s value proposition is complex. By reframing customer stories and showcasing testimonials, we were able to communicate the value more effectively. Understanding user roles was also critical in improving the site's navigation, as different users needed access to different tools and resources.

User Testing & Iteration:
User testing revealed that the new 'My R&C' page significantly improved the user experience. Customers were able to find what they needed quickly, reducing confusion and frustration, especially for Admins and Remote Experts.

Measures of Success

Success Metrics:

  • Increased Engagement: The addition of testimonials and reframed use cases led to higher engagement metrics, such as time spent on key product pages.

  • Improved Navigation: User feedback indicated that the 'My R&C' page dramatically improved navigation, with users reporting that it was easier to find the resources they needed.

  • Higher Lead Generation: The improvements in clarity and trustability contributed to an increase in lead generation, as more users understood the product’s value and took action.


This project was a critical step in improving the marketing site for Rods & Cones, with a focus on clarifying the value proposition and enhancing user navigation. By creating a more engaging, trustworthy experience and simplifying access to role-specific resources, we successfully improved both user satisfaction and lead generation. As we continue to gather feedback, the site will evolve further to meet the changing needs of our users.