Rods&Cones Scrub TV

Scrub tv layers
Scrub tv layers
Scrub tv layers
booking screen
booking screen
booking screen


Web Design




4 months

Traditionally, the phrase "operating theatre" or the "OR" denoted an amphitheater where physicians and learners could observe surgical procedures. We reimagined this concept to enhance its accessibility, Scrub TV enables surgeries to be broadcasted and viewed in real-time globally within medical communities. We want to make surgical training more dynamic, interactive, and suited to the evolving needs of today’s surgeons and future surgeons.

My Approach

Project Goal:

Scrub TV means surgeries can be broadcasted in real-time, allowing medical professionals worldwide to observe and learn. Historically, the operating theatre was a place for hands-on learning, but Scrub TV modernises this by using cutting-edge technology to expand its reach to +90 countries and over 1,500 hospitals and medical centres, utilising Rods & Cones’ solutions.

Success for Scrub TV is measured by:

  • High user engagement with the platform and frequent logins.

  • Positive feedback from users, particularly in terms of content relevance and interactivity.

  • Increased enrolment in continuous learning modules.

  • Shortened learning curves when compared to traditional training methods.

Vision and Innovation

Problem Statement & Research:

The demand for accessible and up-to-date surgical training has never been more critical. Modern surgeons are constantly seeking relevant and interactive content, but traditional platforms have failed to meet these needs. Through comprehensive research, including user behaviour analysis, interviews, and data exploration, it became evident that there was a clear gap in the market.

Our discovery process led to the idea of Scrub TV, using Rods & Cones Visor-V smart glasses to record and stream live surgeries. Medical professionals could book their "seats" in a virtual auditorium, allowing them to witness rare and complex operations from anywhere in the world. This platform not only enhances learning but fosters global collaboration and knowledge-sharing among specialists.

Identifying Unique Challenges

We set out to create a streaming platform that:

  • Is easily accessible for all surgeons.

  • Features current surgical content and emerging techniques.

  • Encourages real-time interaction and feedback.

  • Personalises the learning experience.

  • Seamlessly integrates with standard surgical tools and technologies.

Constraints and Challenges:

  • Compliance with medical regulations and ensuring the accuracy of content.

  • Designing an interface usable across different levels of tech-savviness.

  • Supporting diverse content formats such as video, VR, and AR.

  • Ensuring data security and patient confidentiality.

  • Scaling the platform while maintaining consistent performance.

Resolving Complex Problems

Potential Solutions and Strategies:

  • Partnering with surgical experts to validate content accuracy.

  • Using AI to offer personalised content tailored to each user’s learning needs.

  • Enabling offline access for users in remote areas or under poor network conditions.

  • Creating an intuitive interface that simplifies navigation.

  • Adding interactive elements such as quizzes, discussions, and live feedback during surgeries.

User-Centric Design

User Flow & Wireframes:
The user flow for Scrub TV was designed to ensure ease of use. Our wireframes converted early concepts into tangible, actionable designs, allowing for a clean, user-friendly interface that guides users to relevant content quickly. With each iteration, we made refinements to enhance usability and streamline the experience for both novice and experienced surgeons.

Dynamic User Profiles:
Workshops led to the identification of four distinct user profiles: Healthcare Professional (HCP), Channel Admin, Channel Manager, and Viewer Only. Each profile has unique permissions and job responsibilities. To address this, we implemented a dynamic sidebar that displays customised menu items based on the user's role. We also introduced an in-window tab menu for secondary navigation to simplify access to relevant content.

Compliance Challenges:
Ensuring HIPAA compliance was critical, particularly for users affiliated with multiple companies. This required strict login/logout procedures to safeguard data privacy. We also created a step-by-step form to streamline the process of adding new channels or live TV events, making it intuitive and simple to use.


Design Evolution:
The design process for Scrub TV wasn’t solely about building an intuitive interface. It was about recognizing and addressing the diverse needs of various user profiles. Workshops and feedback loops allowed us to refine the platform through multiple iterations, ensuring that each user—whether a viewer, manager, or admin—felt seen and catered to. Challenges like handling HIPAA compliance and making the platform scalable and user-friendly required innovative solutions.

We also introduced step-by-step workflows for adding new TV events or channels, ensuring ease of use for channel admins. While the platform has made significant progress, we continue refining it to improve efficiency, clarity, and overall user experience.


Scrub TV is revolutionising the way medical professionals access and interact with surgical content. Through innovative technology, a user-centred approach, and global accessibility, the platform fosters collaboration, enhances learning, and reshapes the future of surgical education.